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Marchello Gray Presents at ACI’s Summit on PFAS Regulation, Compliance, and Litigation

event | May 30, 2024 - May 31, 2024

Firm partner Marchello Gray presented at ACI”s Summit on PFAS May 30-31.  Marchello spoke on the panel “Examining Emerging Trends in PFAS Litigation Against Downstream Manufacturers, Distributors, and Retailers of PFAS-Containing Products.”

As PFAS litigation continues to ramp up, the plaintiffs’ bar is shifting their focus to second, third, and fourth “tiers” of defendants, as primary defendants such as direct manufacturers of PFAS chemicals, are becoming insolvent and seeking bankruptcy protections.

This panel discussed:

  • The different trends in litigation and settlements against “downstream users of PFAS” – such as businesses involved in the manufacturing and sale of PFAS-containing products
  • What kinds of claims are being brought under which theories against which industries?
  • Examining the latest creative ways plaintiffs are bringing lawsuits under theories of:
    • Consumer fraud / false advertising
    • Personal injury
    • Medical monitoring
  • Strategies for preventing, combatting, and defending these lawsuits
  • What does the future litigation landscape look like and what can businesses do now to avoid being a class action target?