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Joe Hollingsworth and Kate Latimer author A Framework for Toxic Tort Litigation

publication | August 15, 2008

Written at the behest of Washington Legal Foundation (WLF), this monograph is one of a series of original papers published by WLF’s Legal Studies Division. As described in their introduction, Mr. Hollingsworth and Ms. Latimer published the paper to provide a
framework for traditional and expanding grounds of toxic tort liability across the United States, highlighting some of the defenses that may be employed in toxic tort litigation.

Dorothy P. Watson, then-Vice President and General Counsel of Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation (NPC), noted in her Forward (page 11) how the newly formed NPC turned the tables in the Parlodel litigation “by eliminating the historical settlement-directed focus and turning instead to an aggressive defense strategy” as advocated by Hollingsworth LLP.  In conclusion, she said, the monograph “provides an overview of potential toxic tort liability across the country, is a valuable resource, particularly for corporate counsel, defense counsel and others wanting to stay abreast of toxic tort law and its process. It is written by trial and appellate specialists who have extensive experience defending corporate clients in complex toxic tort and product liability litigation. Joe Hollingsworth and Kate Latimer follow developments in toxic tort litigation closely in order to help corporate clients respond – on the merits.”