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Hollingsworth LLP Sets Record for Donations to Legal Aid’s Making Justice Real Campaign

news | August 8, 2023

The Firm is proud to announce that employee generosity met and exceeded our 2023 fund raising and participation goals for donations to the Making Justice Real campaign. This marks the third record set in four years for Firm donations. Notably, this year

  • We raised 136% of our initial goal;
  • We beat last year’s record just over three weeks into this year’s campaign;
  • We had the highest number of unique donors in Firm history;
  • News of our record-breaking year made the rounds within the legal community in Legal Aid’s press release naming us to the 2023 Top Fundraising Teams by Participation. Overall, the Making Justice Real Campaign raised a record $3.48 million for Legal Aid DC.

The Making Justice Real Campaign brings together thousands of people in support of its mission to make justice real in individual and systemic ways for the roughly 20% of Washington, DC residents living in poverty. Legal Aid DC works hard to ensure that its clients have fair and equal access to justice, which can often be life-changing for the people they represent. Hollingsworth LLP is proud to join with many in the DC legal community to highlight and support that mission.