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Extraordinarily Knowledgeable Litigation Leaders: “Don McMinn of Hollingsworth on Going Where the Work Takes You”

news | July 10, 2024

Hollingsworth LLP Managing Partner Donald R. McMinn is profiled in’s Litigation Leaders, where he discusses the importance of being a litigation firm that tries cases and lets litigators litigate in order to advance clients’ litigation interests.

All Hollingsworth LLP attorneys are litigators, allowing the firm to offer a significant and experienced trial bench not found elsewhere. The firm has the tenacity and skill to win at trial and on appeal, increasing the likelihood of successful resolution at earlier stages of a case. It is because of this deep experience that the firm is often brought in for high-stakes litigation or to turn things around when circumstances look dire.

“Hollingsworth LLP litigators are highly skilled and acutely focused. Our cases often involve complex procedural postures and fact patterns that are generally at the cutting edge of scientific or engineering understanding, and usually establish the legal precedents within our litigation specialties,” McMinn stated. “Since we litigate and try cases nationally, our lawyers must have the ability to relate to a wide variety of judges and jurors in diverse jurisdictions. It is not uncommon to find Hollingsworth at the forefront of high-profile matters for some of the largest corporations in the country and alongside some of the sharpest experts and consultants in the world.”

McMinn further explained that Hollingsworth attorneys have argued before federal and state courts nationwide and do not shy away from going toe-to-toe with plaintiffs’ counsel in their preferred home-turf courthouses, whether that be suburban California or small-town Mississippi. “We specialize in handling high-stakes complex matters at every stage of litigation, from initial motions practice through discovery and fact/expert workup through trial and, where needed, appeals all the way up to the Supreme Court,” said McMinn.