“The quest for the next ‘solvent bystander’ in asbestos litigation: Will Texas resume the search?” publication | October 4, 2013
Prescription Drug Products Liability Litigation and Punitive Damages Preemption publication | April 10, 2013
BPA Update and Opinions: Legislation, Regulation, Science, and Litigation Concerning Bisphenol-A publication | August 10, 2012
Manning the Daubert Gate: A Defense Primer in Response to Milward v. Acuity Specialty Products publication | April 10, 2012
Leveling the Playing Field: Recouping e-Discovery Costs As Part of the Taxable Costs Awarded to Prevailing Parties Under 28 U.S.C. § 1920(4) publication | April 1, 2012
Daubert Alert: The First Circuit Takes a Step Back in Milward v. Acuity Specialty Products publication | March 1, 2012
There is No Place Like Home: The Defense Against Foreign Environmental Liaiblity Claims in U.S. Court Under the Alien Tort Statute publication | February 1, 2012
Pliva, Inc. v. Mensing: Does It Reopen the Door for Targeted Preemption Arguments? publication | January 1, 2012
Kapps v. Biosense Webster: Who Is Liable When a Reprocessed Medical Device Causes Injury? publication | January 1, 2012
Tepid Guidance on a Hot Topic: New York City Bar Ethic Opinion on Litigation Financing publication | July 22, 2011
Avoiding the Sideshow: One Trial Judge’s Textbook Application of Daubert to Exclude Dubious Testimony publication | June 3, 2011
A Defense Perspective on Excluding Corporate Conduct Experts in Product Liability Litigation publication | May 19, 2011