Firm praises Louis Russo's and Aleksandra Rybicki's commitment to the firm's clients.
As a litigation firm, not a litigation practice within a larger general practice firm, Hollingsworth LLP hires experienced lawyers to join the firm at all levels. Lawyers who have worked at other firms especially appreciate our unique offering that includes rapid advancement in their development of litigation skills, working with clients and opposing counsel, and hands-on participation in the courtroom.
Our practice requires an unusual breadth of writing and oral advocacy skills at trial and appellate levels, and in ADR proceedings. Our cases often involve complex procedural postures and fact patterns that are generally at the cutting edge of scientific or engineering understanding and usually establish the legal precedents in our various litigation specialties. Since we litigate and try cases nationally, our lawyers must have the ability to relate to a wide variety of judges and jurors in diverse jurisdictions. Our national representation also results in our attorneys publishing extensively and conducting seminars and professional courses on a regular basis.