Yale Law School (J.D.,1990, Coker Fellow) University of Pennsylvania (B.A., 1987, summa cum laude)Admissions
- District of Columbia
- United States Supreme Court
- United States Courts of Appeals for the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Tenth, and District of Columbia Circuits
- United States District Courts for the District of Columbia, and the Northern District of Illinois
- “Eric Lasker is a go-to litigator. He is thorough and well-prepared and has great experience.”
–Client | Chambers USA - “His counsel is much appreciated and trusted.”
–Client | Chambers USA - “We love Eric Lasker here. He is super responsive and helpful. He’s just so knowledgeable.”
–Client | Chambers USA - “Joe Hollingsworth and Eric Lasker only do litigation and are highly experienced. They become experts of the issues, learning the history and background. They serve you very well in the litigation space.”
–Client | Chambers USA - Lawdragon 500 Leading Litigators in America, 2024, 2025
- Who’s Who Legal Life Sciences and Product Liability, 2015–2024
- Super Lawyers, Class Action, 2014, 2017–2020, 2022-2024
- AV Preeminent Lawyer by ALM Media and Martindale-Hubbell, 2002–2024
- Burton Distinguished Legal Writing Award, 2014
- Law360 Product Liability MVP, 2013
- The American Lawyer “Litigator of the Week,” 2013
- George Yancy Memorial Award, 2012 (for excellence in writing)
- Defense Research Institute (DRI), Member, 2006 – Present
- International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC), Member, 2009 – Present
- Rule 702 Sustainability Committee, Chair, 2023 – Present
- Continuing Legal Education Committee Chair, 2018
- Toxics & Hazardous Substances Committee, Chair, 2011–2013
- Lawyers for Civil Justice, Member, 2020
- LJN’s Product Liability Law & Strategy Newsletter, Board of Editors, 2010–2012
Insights & Events
In EcoFactor v. Google, Hollingsworth LLP Weighs in as Federal Circuit Poised to Decide Pivotal Rule 702 Application
news | December 6, 2024In Paraquat MDL, Hollingsworth LLP Urges 7th Circuit to Uphold Exclusion of Plaintiffs’ General Causation Expert under Rule 702
news | October 4, 2024Robert Johnston and Eric Lasker Named to the 2025 Lawdragon 500 Leading Litigators in America
news | September 11, 2024Eric Lasker Speaks at LCJ on Shaping Federal Rule 702 Interpretation and State Rule Reform
event | May 2, 2024Eric Lasker Presents in Baylor University Law School Webinar on Rule 702 Amendments
event | March 27, 2024“A New Tool for Restoring Sound Science in the Courtroom,” Today’s General Counsel
publication | February 2, 2024Attorney at Law Magazine: “The New Federal Rule of Evidence 702 and the Fight Against Scientific Skepticism”
publication | December 12, 2023Bloomberg Law: “Expert Evidence Rule Will Be Tool to Improve Scientific Testimony”
news | November 27, 2023“Judges, Lawyers Brace for Expert Evidence Rule Changes,”’s The Barometer
news | November 8, 2023Eric Lasker Tells Rule 702 Amendments Will Help Courts Combat Scientific Skepticism
news | November 2, 2023Eric Lasker Speaks on Admissibility of Expert Testimony at Judicial Symposium
event | November 13, 2023NLJ : Eric Lasker Says 702 Rule Change Should Set Courts on Correct Path Going Forward
news | October 20, 2023In Law360, Eric Lasker Urges Immediate Use of Amended Federal Rule of Evidence 702
publication | July 20, 2023Eric Lasker Named Chair of IADC’s Newly Launched Rule 702 Sustainability Committee
news | July 16, 2023Firm Contributes Chapter on Opioid Litigation and Daubert to Karch’s Drug Abuse Handbook
publication | January 15, 2023Law360: Monsanto Asks Georgia Supreme Court to Rule on Timeliness of Survival Actions
news | August 12, 2021Firm Lawyers Eric Lasker and Pete Chattrabhuti Guest Lecture at Indiana University on Product Stewardship
news | April 27, 2021Firm Partner Eric Lasker Provides Comments to Federal Rules of Evidence Advisory Committee
news | September 2, 2020Eric Lasker and Brett Covington for IADC's Defense Counsel Journal.
Oklahoma Opioid Ruling: Another Instance of Improper Judicial Governance through Public Nuisance Litigation
publication | December 13, 2019By Eric Lasker and Jessica Lu for Washington Legal Foundation's Legal Backgrounder
Old and New Targets: IARC Releases its 2020-2024 Priority List for Evaluation
publication | August 26, 2019For IADC Committee Newsletter, by Eric G. Lasker and John M. Kalas
Eric Lasker participates in roundtable discussion sponsored by the Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Rules of Evidence.
news | October 4, 2018Hollingsworth LLP represents Monsanto in In Re:Roundup Products Liability Litigation in the Northern District of California.
Third Circuit Agrees with Hollingsworth LLP Amicus Brief in Zoloft Case, Affirming Exclusion of Causation Expert
news | June 2, 2017Hollingsworth LLP filed amicus brief in support of mobile phone makers in significant DC Court of Appeals victory.
news | November 7, 2016The Firm and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce filed a business coalition amici curiae brief supporting the mobile phone industry.
California Supreme Court Grants Petition to Review Innovator and Prior Manufacturer Liability in Pharma Litigation
news | June 10, 2016The article is co-authored by partner Eric G. Lasker and published in the IADC Committee Newsletter.
Eric Lasker Joins GMU Professor David Bernstein in Article Calling to Amend Federal Rule of Evidence 702
publication | October 16, 2015Taking the “Product” Out of Product Liability: Litigation Risks and Business Implications of Innovator and Co-Promoter Liability
publication | July 15, 2015By Eric G. Lasker, Stephen A. Klein, and Tamara Fishman Barago for IADC's Defense Counsel Journal.
Hollingsworth LLP Files Cert Petition Challenging EPA’s Territorial Overreach.
news | December 23, 2014Hollingsworth LLP defends Ciba Vision Corp. in 7th Circuit Contact Lens Injury Suit
news | October 1, 2014Texas Supreme Court Rejects “Any Exposure” Causation in Asbestos Litigation
publication | August 1, 2014Hollingsworth LLP files amici brief in support of federal jurisdiction for out-of-state defendants
news | June 23, 2014Fifth Circuit Puts an End to Texas Pharma Plaintiff’s California Dreamin’
publication | June 6, 2014Partner Eric Lasker's blog post on Washington Legal Foundation's The Legal Pulse
Eric Lasker on standing and City of New York v. Exxon Mobil in guest column for Jurist.
news | April 23, 2014“The quest for the next ‘solvent bystander’ in asbestos litigation: Will Texas resume the search?”
publication | October 4, 2013Partner Eric G. Lasker discusses the present state of asbestos litigation in Texas and what could loom on the horizon since the Texas Supreme Court granted review in Bostic v. Georgia-Pacific Corp.
Hollingsworth LLP Submits Amicus Brief in Texas in Support of “but for” Causation Requirement in Mesothelioma Litigation
news | August 27, 2013Partner Eric Lasker wins the 2012 George W. Yancey Memorial Award for his article on Milward v. Acuity Specialty Products.
news | July 17, 2013Each year at the International Association of Defense Counsel annual meeting, the award is bestowed on the author or authors of the best article published in Defense Counsel Journal during the preceding year.
And The Defense Wins: DRI’s The Voice recognizes Hollingsworth LLP in significant victory for DynCorp, International.
news | April 17, 2013The DynCorp ruling is a welcome and much needed rebuke to international activist efforts to demonize U.S. industry through unfounded legal actions arising from international operations.
Prescription Drug Products Liability Litigation and Punitive Damages Preemption
publication | April 10, 2013Hollingsworth LLP Named for 3rd Time in 4 Years to National Law Journal‘s Midsize Hot List.
news | April 8, 2013The American Lawyer journal highlights DynCorp's success as counter to Chevron's legal troubles in Ecuador.
From partner Eric G. Lasker for The Federalist Society's Engage.
Hollingsworth LLP Files Coalition Amici Brief in Support of D.C. Circuit Challenge to SEC Conflict Minerals Rule.
news | January 23, 2013Manning the Daubert Gate: A Defense Primer in Response to Milward v. Acuity Specialty Products
publication | April 10, 2012Eric G. Lasker, Firm partner, authors article for the April 2012 Defense Counsel Journal.
Daubert Alert: The First Circuit Takes a Step Back in Milward v. Acuity Specialty Products
publication | March 1, 2012There is No Place Like Home: The Defense Against Foreign Environmental Liaiblity Claims in U.S. Court Under the Alien Tort Statute
publication | February 1, 2012Partner Eric G. Lasker authors article for International Association of Defense Counsel Toxics & Hazardous Substances Litigation Committee Newsletter.
Pliva, Inc. v. Mensing: Does It Reopen the Door for Targeted Preemption Arguments?
publication | January 1, 2012Eric Lasker for LJN's Product Liability Law & Strategy newsletter
Hollingsworth LLP Files Industry Coalition Amicus Brief in U.S. Supreme Court
news | October 13, 2011This industry coalition brief was filed on behalf of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, American Chemistry Council, American Coatings Association, American Insurance Association, American Petroleum Institute, and National Association of Manufacturers.
Mississippi Supreme Court follows urging of Firm client, American Coatings Association, in major Daubert ruling for defendants.
news | September 8, 2011Eric G. Lasker Washington Legal Foundation’s Legal Backgrounder
Joe Hollingsworth and Eric Lasker cited by 6th Circuit in Reversal of Plaintiff Verdict in Welding Fume Litigation
news | September 8, 2010Eric Lasker Quoted in NLJ Article “D.C. Court of Appeals Resurrects Cell Phone Radiation Cases”
news | November 18, 2009Oral Argument in Wyeth v. Levine Marks Change in Drug Litigation Preemption Debate
news | February 20, 2009Engage: The Journal of the Federalist Society's Practice Groups (February 2009) (Eric G. Lasker)
Why More Isn’t Always Better: State High Court Preempts Consumer Product Liability Suit
publication | July 11, 2008Eric Lasker for Washington Legal Foundation's Legal Backgrounder
Rhode Island Supreme Court reverses and dismisses public nuisance verdict against former lead paint and pigment manufacturers.
news | July 1, 2008Hollingsworth LLP submits briefs in United States Supreme Court on behalf of two groups of Amici in Wyeth v. Levine.
news | June 4, 2008Building a Fire Wall: Missouri and New Jersey Hold the Line Against Plaintiffs’ Efforts to Expand the Law of Public Nuisance (part 2 of 2)
news | October 1, 2007Building a Fire Wall: Missouri and New Jersey Hold the Line Against Plaintiffs’ Efforts to Expand the Law of Public Nuisance (part 1 of 2)
publication | September 1, 2007LJN’s Product Liability Law & Strategy (September 2007) (Eric G. Lasker)
Texas Court of Appeals Raises Causation Bar for Asbestos Plaintiffs and Their Experts
news | July 26, 2007Former lead paint manufacturers prevail in Missouri Supreme Court, with an assist from Firm client, National Paint & Coatings Association.
news | June 12, 2007Federal Court Rejects State AG/Trial Lawyer Effort To Expand “Public Nuisance” Theory
publication | April 13, 2007Washington Legal Foundation’s Legal Backgrounder (April 13, 2007) (Donald W. Fowler and Eric G. Lasker)
In the final installment, authors Joe Hollingsworth and Eric Lasker, discuss causation opinions premised on clinical practice, and how defense counsel can effectively use Daubert to exclude causation testimony that rests upon anecdotal case reports and clinical reasoning; Michigan Defense Quarterly (April 2007)
Written by Joe Hollingsworth and Eric Lasker, the second article explains how defense counsel can assist courts in properly applying the Daubert requirements to various categories of scientific evidence often cited by plaintiffs' experts in support of general causation opinions. Michigan Defense Quarterly (January 2007).
LJN’s Product Liability Law & Strategy (November 2006) (Eric G. Lasker)
Throwing Out Junk Science: The first article of this 3-part series discusses the legal standards for admissibility of medical causation expert testimony following the Michigan Supreme Court's adoption of the federal Daubert requirements of reliance and relevance. Michigan Defense Quarterly (October 2006) (Joe G. Hollingsworth and Eric G. Lasker).
Prescription Drug Litigation Pre-emption: Following the FDA Preamble (part 1 of 2)
publication | October 4, 2006Andrew's Pharmaceutical Litigation Reporter (April 2006) (Eric G. Lasker)
Dodging Daubert: Suits against drug-makers are using bad science to invent causation.
publication | September 19, 2005Superfund Law Preempts Contingent Fee Arrangements in Natural Resource Damages Suits
publication | July 15, 2005Washington Legal Foundation's Legal Backgrounder (July 15, 2005) (Reprinted in the August 12, 2005, issue of Andrew's Environmental Litigation Reporter (Eric G. Lasker)
FDA Position on Federal Preemption Consistent with Law & Public Health
publication | February 25, 2005Eric Lasker for Washington Legal Foundation's Legal Backgrounder (Reprinted in the May 19, 2005, issue of LexisNexis® Mealey's Emerging Drugs & Devices)
The Case Against Differential Diagnosis: Daubert, Medical Causation Testimony, and the Scientific Method
publication | December 1, 2004Journal of Health Law (Winter 2004, Volume 37, No. 1) (Joe G. Hollingsworth and Eric G. Lasker)
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.— An Essential Tool in Natural Resource Damages Litigation
publication | December 1, 2003ABA's Superfund and Natural Resource Damages Litigation Committee Newsletter (December 2003, Volume 1, No. 1, page 12) (Eric G. Lasker)
FDA Regulatory Action Does Not Establish Causation– FDA Borrows a Page from the Parlodel® Litigation
publication | October 7, 2003Mealey's Emerging Drugs & Devices (Vol. 8, #19, October 7, 2003) (Eric G. Lasker)
ABA's The Brief (Winter 2002) (Eric G. Lasker)
The U.S. Supreme Court Expands the Scope of Federal Preemption of Product Liability Claims Involving FDA-Regulated Products
publication | September 1, 2001Tort & Insurance Law Journal (Volume 37, Number 1, Fall 2001) (Eric G. Lasker)
The Zometa Cases
- Precedent
- Pharmaceutical & Medical Device
- Products Liability & Toxic Torts
- Class Action Defense
- January 27, 2015
Court Dismisses $4B Claim Brought by New Mexico Against General Electric
- Precedent
- Environmental
- Products Liability & Toxic Torts
- Natural Resource Damages
- January 27, 2015
Firm Client Monsanto Takes Step Forward in 11th Circuit Preemption Appeal
- Case
- Products Liability & Toxic Torts
- July 10, 2023
Firm Client Monsanto Secures Summary Judgment in Roundup Litigation
- Case
- Products Liability & Toxic Torts
- September 29, 2021
Federal District Court Dismisses Putative Class Action Against Sherwin-Williams
- Case
- Environmental
- Products Liability & Toxic Torts
- August 21, 2018
Alcon Secures Dismissal of Intraocular Lens Suit
- Case
- Complex Litigation
- Products Liability & Toxic Torts
- April 27, 2015
Seventh Circuit Affirms Summary Judgment for Alcon in Contact Lens Suit
- Case
- Complex Litigation
- Products Liability & Toxic Torts
- February 24, 2015
5th Circuit Finds for Novartis, Affirming Dismissal of Aredia/Zometa Suit
- Case
- Pharmaceutical & Medical Device
- Products Liability & Toxic Torts
- May 27, 2014
Mississippi Supreme Court Follows Urging of American Coatings Association in Major Daubert Ruling
- Case
- Complex Litigation
- Products Liability & Toxic Torts
- Amicus
- September 8, 2011
Tenth Circuit Affirms Dismissal of NRD Claims Against Firm Client General Electric
- Case
- Environmental
- Natural Resource Damages
- November 2, 2006